More Miscellany

Well, here is a very random compilation of journal entries from this past week. The first entry I was interrupted by a child and never finished my thought, if it seems to end a bit abrupt.

Also, I am restarting my Drawing-a-Day project now that I am not tired and pregnant, but I am posting via Instagram instead. My username is @melissajogordon













Landscape Inspiration

John Constable constable 1“A Study of Clouds and Trees” c. 1821

constable 2

“Cloud Study” c. 1821-22constable 3


“A Storm of the Coast of Brighton”

Caspar David Friedrichfriedrick 1 “The Wanderer Above the Sea of Fog” 1818friedrick 2

“Uttenwalder reason”

Georgia O’Keeffeokeeffe 1“Red Hills, Lake George” 1927
okeeffe 2“Lake George” 1922okeeffe 3

“Ladder Moon Sky”

Mark Rothkorothko 1 “Untitled” 1969rothko 2

“Untitled” 1949

J. M. W. Turner

turner 1“London from Greenwich Park” 1809
turner 2“The Fighting Temeraire” (detail) 1839

Out of the woods and into a clearing

Alllllllriggghhht Folks.

It has been forever.  It takes SOO long to do anything when you have a couple of kids, am I right?

I am just trying to make it another 53 days, until M1 begins preschool.  I am about as excited for her as I am for myself.  She is so ready.

For those of you who don’t know me personally or aren’t friends with me on Facebook or Instagram, we had a bit of a scare with M2 a few weeks back, and I am only just finally recovering.  M1 caught a cold and decided to share, which can become pretty serious for a six-week old.  We ended up spending a pretty awful night in the ER (the nurses spent over an hour trying to just get an IV in to administer antibiotics).  So, after a dozen needle pokes (including a spinal tap in his back), x-rays, and a catheter placement, we spent a few days in Pediatrics to be monitored and given IV antibiotics.   I am trying not to panic, but rather be balanced when it comes to safeguarding my kids against germs and letting them explore the world.  The world can be a pretty scary place, but it is also exciting and full of wonder.

Oh, and the verdict was out as to whether or not M2 has a dairy allergy until a few days ago.  He does.  It took a few days of experimenting (i.e.: me eating yogurt and ice-cream) and a few more days of colic and smelly green diapers to recognize the unfortunate truth.  So, so  long pizza and yogurt and soft imported cheeses, we shall meet again, someday.  I’m planning on trying goat cheese in a week or two. Fingers and toes are crossed.  I might even braid my hair.

As far as my art goes, I am still working out when I am going to post all my new prints on my shop, but it should be in the next  month or two.  I am also hoping to begin a new project, work on new prints for the shop, and continue an old project, the El Monte Projects.

I love my kids to pieces, but I can’t wait to get back to work!!!!!!!!!!!!

Current goal: Survive the summer.


Hope you all are having a great summer!


The New Normal

I’ve been wanting to post an official “birth story” post, and I keep thinking, “I’ll get to that soon,” and then I woke up and realized Teddy turned 5 weeks old yesterday. So, here I am again typing from my phone. Here is me:


M1 (Monster #1) has a runny nose and woke up from nap time fussy and upset. I think I actually let her play at the playground too long yesterday. Can you blame me?

M2 is a cuddly sweet monster, whom we suspect may have a dairy allergy. He will be in a deep sleep and then just wake up and totally FREAK out. He also does this sort of unpleasant gagging/spit-up thing whenever he is lying flat on his back. So I am officially off all dairy, since we are breastfeeding. Off. All. Dairy. You have no idea what that means until you try it. That means all desserts that are truly delicious, some breads that have milk in them, not to mention pizza and, sniff…CHEESE. Apparently it can take two weeks for dairy to get out of your system, so we are in a trial phase at the moment. Meanwhile, I’m pretty much holding him non-stop, which is physically exhausting, but totally fine. Newborns are pretty cute. Here is a photo of the little guy I snapped at the park yesterday. You can really see the orange in his hair in this one.


So, right now I am in survival mode. I’m trying not to feel too bad about letting M1 watch a little more TV than I’d like and not stressing over the dishes piling up beside the sink or the posts that remain unwritten or the art I’m not making. It’s funny, but perhaps because I am so tired or the calming effects of breastfeeding, I don’t feel overwhelmed by all this, I’m really just soaking up every moment, since I know they are so temporary.

(And apparently I need to work on keeping my thumb out of the camera lens…oh well)


A little bit lighter

We’re back!
I wish I were that diligent blogger, posting minutes after the baby is born an article with amazing photos and charming dialogue of the event. Or perhaps, the blogger who purposely chooses to “savor the moment,” intentionally waiting to blog until the big event has past. The truth is, well, we did get some decent photos, and we did bask in the wonder that is childbirth, but the real reason I haven’t blogged anything for over a month now is because I am freaking exhausted.

That being said, the shop is now up once again and here is some eye candy of our precious new “M2” (aka: Monster #2)
Theodore “Teddy” Lawrence James Gordon



For those of you who don’t live in San Diego, you may not know there is a heat wave going on. Today is the third day the thermometer will be edging up near 100 degrees.

My brain and my body are officially fried.

In other more delightful news, my sister gave birth to her baby last Sunday. I can’t wait to meet Miss Castine Elizabeth and I hate that they are so far away.

This puts the age difference between my future little bundle, set to be extracted from my body on May 14th and his cousin at a mere 17 days apart! (That is of course, unless Teddy decides to come earlier).

Over the last week, I’ve literally gotten almost nothing accomplished in my shop. There have been so many distractions (ie: new baby, heat waves, pesty toddlers), non-stress tests, and just pure fatigue that I’m realizing that maybe I should postpone updating my shop until after the baby comes. I apologize if this blog becomes a bit dormant for a few weeks. I am going to at least try and update my Instagram regularly.

I’m sure I was going to write more here, but like I said, be it the hormones or the heat or being at war with the terrible twos, something has come and stolen my brain. I hope to get it back soon. Give it back whom/what ever you are!!

Blessings to you All!

Here’s me on Sunday, before the heat wave….no I will not do an “after heat wave” picture.



Art. Kids. Write. Printshop. Read. Grow. Live. Repeat.